Sangha events

We ask that anyone wishing to participate in our sangha events should have a basic familiarity with the core meditation practices of the Triratna Buddhist Community, These are the Mindfulness of Breathing and Metta Bhavana (Development of Loving Kindness.) Basic appreciation of Buddhist teachings and ritual are also very useful. Our intention is not to exclude anyone but to indicate that we meet as a group of friends who practise the dharma from a starting point of basic knowledge.

We currently do not offer introductory courses in Fife. This may change in the future but there are a range of opportunities available online or in person for introductory retreats. A list of some of them is included in our Resources page, If you would like some help in choosing a course or want to discuss whether your previous experience of Buddhism will be enough to join our group please feel free to email us using the contact form.

Regular sangha and puja nights

We hold sangha evenings every Thursday on Zoom,starting at 7pm (for 7.15pm) and finishing around 9pm. These evenings start with a period of meditation then we may have a talk followed by a group discussion, often an opportunity to discuss how our practice is going, or a closer exploration of some aspect of the Dharma.

Every Sunday we meet online via Zoom for a puja, a period of devotional practice. These sessions start at 8pm and usually last around 45 minutes. During these sessions we will perform the Sevenfold Puja, familiar to all within the Triratna Buddhist Community, as well as pujas composed by Order Members such as Vessantara and Dhiramati. You can use the links on the Resources page to find out more information about puja.

Day retreats and other events

The sangha meet for a day retreat on the first weekend of every month on either a Saturday or Sunday, This is an opportunity to meet and practise in person as a Sangha. These are often days when we celebrate key events in the life of the Buddha or to celebrate the Sangha and Dharma. At other times we take a key theme and explore this together through meditation, discussion, devotion and spiritual friendship.

Recently members of our sangha in central and West Fife have started to get together on the 3rd Saturday of every month for a morning of practice in Kirkcaldy.